Agent Registration

1 Agency Details
Agency Name *
Office Phone *
Alternate Office Number
Pan Number *
Pan Card Image *

(Only jpg,jpeg,png allowed, must be less than 1 MB in size )
State *
City *
Pin Code *
Address *
Agency Logo
Agency Logo (Only jpg,jpeg,png allowed, must be less than 1 MB in size )
Aadhaar Card Image *

(Only jpg,jpeg,png allowed, must be less than 1 MB in size)
Address Proof Document *

(Only jpg,jpeg,png allowed, must be less than 1 MB in size)
2Other Details
Business Type*
Years In Business*
Monthly Booking Volume?
Office Space*
IATA Registered*
3GST Details
Agency Classification*
GST State
GST City *
GST Email Id *
GST Phone Number
GST Address
GST Pin Code *
4Agency Primary Contact Person
First Name *
Last Name
Date Of Birth *
Mobile Number *
Alternate Mobile Number
Email Id *
5Login Info

User id*
Password *
Confirm Password *
Enter the word you see below*