1 : How do I register to become a member of www.dreasyfly.com?
To become a member of www.dreasyfly.com costs nothing but without the train e ticketing facility . Simply click on the Create New Account ' button on the right of this page, and within 24hrs, you'll receive a login ID and password from us.
2: Can I change my user name and password?
Each user name has a unique identity and cannot be changed. However, should you want to change your password you can do this by selecting ' My Account ' from the drop-down menu next to your Agency id (top right corner of the page) .
3: What should I do if I forget my password?
On the home page, underneath the 'Login' button, you'll see 'Forgot Password?' Just click on that, enter your user name and e-mail ID, and we'll e-mail a link from where you can select a new password.
4: How do I produce an e-ticket for my customer?
You can request a copy of e-tickets that have been booked at any time via the www.dreasyfly.com Online portal. Simply access the ticket option, from where you can print it out or make a request for it to be e-mailed to you.
5: If I need any assistance what should I do?
We have a team of consultants ready and waiting for your call. Just dial through to our helpdesk on +91 6269010321,322,323 access around the clock support.